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How to Choose the Right Rafting Trip

“Which River Trip is Right for Me?” That’s a great question!
We have three distinct river trips, one that is easier and shorter, one that is a little longer and slightly more challenging, and one that is our premier, most-challenging whitewater trip. We call them EasyWater Rafting, Intro to Whitewater, and BigTime Whitewater. Cool, eh? Click on the links below to explore the details on each!


Want to get out on the water, and go easy? Do you have young kids, or something to do later in the day? Do you have physical concerns? Explore this enjoyable trip!

Intro to Whitewater

This fun-packed Lehigh river trip is our 10 miles long PA whitewater rafting experience. You’ll spend 4+ hours on the river. Expect to spend about 6 hours here with us.

BigTime Whitewater

This is our most challenging and longest river rafting trip. You’ll be paddling your boat, with our guides paddling alongside you in a kayak, directing you at every turn.

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